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Job Opportunities for Our Generation

The summer serves as a great opportunity for students to get a job because of their open schedule. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics the “teen labor force participation has been on a long-term downward trend, and the decline is expected to continue to 2024…” Even though there are less teens working, it does not mean you can not get a job. When deciding to get a summer or part-time job, there are some wonderful benefits that don’t only consider the money.

One benefit of working as a teen is that it offers a much wider perspective on life. You get to talk and meet people that you might not normally have had the opportunity to meet. It is a great eye-opener to the world around you.

Another pro is of working is that it teaches you work skills that will you will need your entire life. Skills such as filling out an application, going through the interview process, working responsibly, andgeting along with co-workers and superiors will develop as you gain the work experience. Not only this, working will a team and effectively communicating will help you in the job, and even with relationships outside of work!

In addition, working a part-time job or summer job is something you can put on your job resume. Although your job is not specialized, is probably paying minimum wage, and does not require a college degree, it still makes a world of difference. It will show to future employers that you held a position for a certain amount of time and that you have experience working with others in a professional environment.

Lastly, you will receive money! Gaining the money isn’t all,it will help you learn how to be responsible or your personal purchases and to teach you how to budget and plan out your finances before you are totally alone in college.

But of course, there always has to be a downside. Summer jobs are much harder to get these days. Unemployed recent college graduates and other adults hit hard by the recession are absorbing the lower-paying jobs once designated for teens. As a result, the type of job you may get will likely require more work to find, and be a little less desirable. Additionally, we only have eight weeks of summer which will make it hard for you to find a job, become trained, be a real help to a business, and still have time to relax and hang out with your friends.

But with this said having a summer job is great not only do you learn so many things but you have something fun to do over the summer. With getting a perspective into adulthood, learning how to work with others, and getting money, getting a summer or part-time job is worth the time.

The following links are great resources for finding a part-time and summer job:

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